Despite the uncertain world of today, the Global Goals (SDGs) remain a crucial roadmap for global progress, supported by scientific evidence. Created by the United Nations, these 17 interconnected goals address various challenges with climate justice.
Scientists consistently emphasize the urgency and importance of the SDGs. Climate experts stress the need for immediate action to address environmental threats outlined in Goal 13 (Climate Action). Economists highlight the connections between social and economic factors, supporting goals aimed at ending poverty (Goal 1) and promoting decent work and economic growth (Goal 8).

Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of health infrastructure and global collaboration, aligning with Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being).
WE WILL USE THE GLOBAL GOALS AS ROADMAP. We believe in the common agenda and more than the bottom line. Our contributions and the way we execute them are aligned with the 17 Global Goals. – HEART 17 Manifesto
Henrik Fredborg Larsen is Director of the UNDP Nordic Office and manages UN City in Copenhagen. During Heartbeat 2023 he presented the opening speech and emphasized the need of creativity and innovation to reach the Global Goals.
- THE SDGs offer a comprehensive framework, informed by scientific insights, to guide policies and initiatives, encouraging a collective effort towards a more sustainable, fair, and resilient future.
- Development. Critics used to argue that the Global Goals (SDGs) were overly ambitious and lacked feasibility. However, over time, several developments have addressed these concerns.
- Collaboration and Innovation, there has been a significant emphasis on collaboration and integration across sectors and nations, making progress more achievable. Additionally, countries have adapted the SDGs to their specific contexts, tailoring strategies for more effective local implementation.
- Measurements of potential progress. Concerns about the measurability of progress have also been mitigated through advances in data collection and reporting mechanisms, providing a more accurate assessment of the impact and progress of SDG initiatives
SDG Tracker: Measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
BLIR VÄRLDEN BÄTTRE? (in Swedish) An interactive website powered by the UNDP that focus on facts ans acts for the SDG's.
Moderator: Hadi Qasemi – Artist / Human rights activist
Eva Karlsson, CEO Houdini Sportswear
Ebba Grythberg, Head of Sustainability, Spotify
Madeline Doyle, Global Communications Specialist, Ingka Group/IKEA